Personal Creator and Lord of the universe; the Redeemer of His people; the ultimate author and principal subject of Scripture; and the object of the church’s confession, worship, and service.

Knowledge of God The opening verse of Scripture not only begin with the affirmation of God’s existence but also of God’s unique action in speaking the universe into being out of nothing (Gen 1:1; Psa 33:6; 148:5; John 1:1-2; Heb 11:3). At the heart of the biblical presentation of God is that God alone is the personal Creator and Lord, and that if He is to be known truly by His creatures, He must take the initiative in making Himself known to us (1 Cor 2:10-11; Heb 1:1-2). No doubt His existence and power are disclosed in the created order, even though that order has been deeply scarred by human rebellion and its consequences (Gen 3:18; Psa 19:1-2; Rom 1:19-20; 8:19-22). It is also true that a dim image of God’s moral nature is reflected in the human conscience, even after the fall (Rom 2:14-16). But Scripture is also very clear that apart from God’s own gracious self-disclosure, both in Word and action, we could not know Him in any true sense.

In truth, God is incomprehensible, one that we cannot totally fathom (Psa 139:6; 145:3; Rom 11:33-36). But this in no way implies that we cannot know God truly. For in creating us in His image and giving us the Word, a revelation of Himself, even though we cannot know God fully, we may know Him truly (Deut 29:29). That is why any discussion of the Christian doctrine of God must be firmly rooted and grounded in Scripture as God’s Word written (Psa 19:7-14; 119: Prov 1:7; 2 Tim 3:14-17). Human speculation about God is never sufficient to lead us to the knowledge of God.

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