Daily Archives: September 10, 2018


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VENGEANCE– Punishment in retaliation for an injury or offense; repayment for a wrong suffered. The Levitical law prescribed, “You shall not take vengeance” (Lev 19:18). Only God was qualified to take vengeance, because His acts were based on His holiness, righteousness, and justice, which punishes sin and vindicates the oppressed and the poor in spirit (Deut 32:35; Rom 12:19). Continue reading DEFINITION OF VENGENCE




Throughout history, crowns have been the primary image for authority and honor. In the Bible, it is clear that God is the one who crowns kings. All earthly authority comes from him (Rom 13:1-2). In David’s psalm describing the king, we read that God “welcomed him with the blessings of good things and set a crown of fine gold on his head” (Ps 21:3). The king’s crown was a symbol of his representative rule of the kingdom that was ultimately ruled by God, God is the only true authority, the everlasting King. Continue reading BIBLE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS (CROWN)