
The first bird specifically mentioned in the Bible is the raven. While most people remember that Noah sent out a dove from the ark to find out if dry land was available for the rescued humans and animals after the flood, fewer recall that he first sent out a raven (Gen 8:6-7). The fact that the raven didn’t return provided Noah with only part of the

answer he was seeking: the bird had found some food to scavenge, but Noah still had no way to tell how much land was visible. The dove’s thoughtful return with a branch gave the original ship captain confidence that the earth was returning to normal, but the dove hadn’t found enough vegetation to survive on, and so it returned.



The raven’s distinct all-black plumage led to the bird being used in comparisons. The bride in Song of Solomon calls her lover’s hair “black as a raven” (5:11). And a wise man name Agur, who contributed a chapter to the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, included this warning to children: “The eye that makes fun of a father and hates to obey a mother will be plucked out by ravens in the valley and eaten by young vultures” (Prov 30:17). This behavior was probably observed by Agur, as ravens have been known to pluck out the eyeballs of their prey, sometimes even before it is dead.


While ravens were considered an unclean bird (Lev 11:15; Deut 14:14), they make an appearance in the Bible not only as examples of God’s provision but also as messengers with God’s provision. God told Job that part of the evidence for God’s care of his creation was that he fed the ravens (Job 38:41), a theme that both a psalmist (Ps 147:9) and Jesus echoed: “Consider the crows. They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even have a storeroom or a barn. Yet, God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds” (Luke 12:24). Ravens are a particularly good symbol for God’s providential care because they engage in a behavior called “caching.” They eat some food right away, but some they save in a particular spot and come back for later. And they are smart enough to remember where their caches are unlike some animals.

When Elijah was a fugitive in the wilderness, God supplied his basic needs by sending ravens with food (1 Kings 17:4-6). Here the raven that symbolized God’s care for the animal world was the tool God used to care for Elijah in his hour of need. It is similar to the way God cares for us and then expects us to pass that comfort along to others (2 Cor 1:3-6).


      Then the Lord spoke his words to Elijah: “Leave here, turn east, and hide beside the Cherith River, which is east of the Jordan River. You can drink from the stram, and I’ve commanded ravens to feed you there.”

Elijah left and did what the word of the LORD had told him. He went to live by the Cherith River, which is east of the Jordan River. Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. And he drank from the stream. (1 Kings 17:2-6)


Biblical writers used the jet-black color ravens to illustrate items that are dark.


  1. This morning when I opened the front door, I saw a black raven perched on the railing. he stayed there a few seconds before flying off. I wonder if this is an omen from God, something to happen to me and/or my family?

    1. Ravens are Creepy Birds and always remind of Horror Movies. As far as an Omen? I hope everything goes positive because these Birds are Messengers of Tricking People

      1. Noah couldn’t rely on the raven and neither should we.Ravens rejoice death…. that’s how they survive by eating carrion.Bottom line is that the dove is like Jesus caring,helping and saving lives while the raven is like Satan not helping,not caring and not wanting to be saved and looks forward to ones misfortunes.

      2. Hello ray. Did you consider the raven fed Elijah after god had instructed him to go down by the riverbank? Did you also consider your judgment of the raven is not scripture based and is exactly what you made it…. your personal opinion. The raven did exactly what Noah wanted. He didn’t return. That was the sign of food the raven was to survive on. Was that deceptive? Or wise? The raven I’m finding out has more significance than I once believed as well. God bless you and peace

      3. As others have said. Elijah was to depend on the raven for food. Ravens will leave some foods behind only to return later. That is what god intended Elijah to eat. Ravens, scriptually had a purpose

    2. What does omen mean ? I’ve been seeing them for the longest and I don’t know what to think of it ? Is it a good thing or bad thing

      1. Omen is bad…
        Its each their own opinion but if all these human opinions arent written in Gods words, in his bible then its just made up by humans which we shouldnt listen too…
        Now crows referred to ravens can cause diseases, one being gastroenteritis…their diseases can be spread thru livestock to humans…also to humans from these crows/ravens…
        These crows are very intelligent & if humans are mean to them, they can attack but rarely ever do attack but they can remember for years that they dont like a mean person that was mean to them..
        The crows/ravens also can learn to speak english & they can talk alot of words..
        Dont bother them & you will be just fine…hope this helps you..

    3. Elijah left and did what the word of the LORD had told him. He went to live by the Cherith River, which is east of the Jordan River. Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. And he drank from the stream. (1 Kings 17:2-6

      1. I am not sure how others are making their determination that these birds are of Satan or considered evil but this is not accurate because according to biblical scripture Ravens were considered messengers of Gods provisional care.. Referenced: While ravens were considered an unclean bird (Lev 11:15; Deut 14:14), they make an appearance in the Bible not only as examples of God’s provision but also as messengers with God’s provision. God told Job that part of the evidence for God’s care of his creation was that he fed the ravens (Job 38:41), a theme that both a psalmist (Ps 147:9) and Jesus echoed: “Consider the crows. They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even have a storeroom or a barn. Yet, God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds” (Luke 12:24). Ravens are a particularly good symbol for God’s providential care

    4. This bird is a creature of God .not of evil probably resting before continuing his morning meal hunt.

    5. God never speaks of omens. This is a worldly belief. God sends angels and sends many things but if he uses an animal he tells you why before he does it.

  2. When Yahweh taught me that there is no truth to be found in our religious leaders he used a raven to confirm to me that he will feed me truth , here a little , there a little , as long as I will confess his name wait upon him. His messianic name is Yahoshua Messiah .

      1. Pray about it. God will let you know in His timing why you are seeing them. Jesus loves you, you are one of His chosen. Seek the Kingdom of God. And it will be add unto you.

  3. The common raven serves as a city symbol in Baltimore owing to the downtown location of Edgar Allan Poe ‘s gravesite. Poe’s most famous poem inspired the name and colours of the Baltimore Ravens, a National Football League team. The first name ” Bram ” is derived from a convergence of two separate etymological sources, one being an abbreviation of “Abraham”, but the other being the Gaelic word “bran”, meaning ” raven “. The name Bran signifying a raven was used in medieval Ireland.

  4. Ravens are grateful ,and will thank you
    Over time if you put food out for them.
    One even began flying over my head and made strange sounds while riding my bike
    They are strange but fun to be around_

  5. I have a crow he has guilded me through difficult times he is not a Raven crows and ravens do not get along why are the two compared as one?

  6. I just found your website. I really enjoyed reading about these ravens and how they relate in the Bible. I like to get an in-depth study. I found this page by looking up about God used ravens to provide food for Elijah in 1 Kings 17. Thanks!

  7. My husband was sitting in the living room of our RV and a crow some how or another flew threw our tarp tent side of the RV and hit the window next to my husband and was knocked out. Am I suppose to be worried? I know it says in the bible that you should give all your worries to the lord.

  8. Thanks for putting a more positive twist on ravens. Ravens are one of my favorite non raptor birds. I hate how people associate them with evil.

  9. When we were about to leave the place where my husband who is a pastor is pastoring, there was raven that crows throughtout the night, and in the morning before we left we heard it again.. we are using motorcycle as transportation, along the road we met an accident. I don’t want to believe that it’s bad omen when i heard that raven means death or something bad will happen.

  10. In Bible Study tonight we are going too talk about The Raven
    . I have been seeing Ravens in my yard
    I did a little study on the raven for tonight. Reference Scriptures… Lev 11:15; Deut 14:14:
    Job 38:41; Psalm 147;9; Luke 12:24; 1 King 17:4-6; 2 Cor1:3-6 & 1 King 17:26

  11. I was on the way to church when a crow brushed into my moving car. My friend said he didn’t seem hurt. My step dad has been very weak and later on that day he went back into the ER and was diagnosed with mild heart failure. Also I’m praying for provision and business growth….so I don’t know how to look at it right now.

  12. Many Christians choose to get tattoos with Bible verses or Christian symbols as a way to express their faith and as a reminder of their beliefs. Some popular Bible verse tattoos include John 3:16, Philippians 4:13, and Proverbs 3:5-6. Christian symbols often used in tattoos include the cross, the fish symbol, and the Ichthys symbol.
    Additionally, angel tattoos are also quite popular among Christians, as they are seen as messengers of God. Other popular Christian tattoo symbols are the dove, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit and the Crown of Thorns, which represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
    It’s worth noting that some Christians believe that getting tattoos is not in line with biblical teachings and that the human body is the temple of God, so it should be treated with respect and not marked with tattoos.

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