
Camels were a common sight throughout Bible times, particularly in cities and villages along caravan routes, where these long-distance beasts of burden might pause for a night before trudging on to their destination. In addition to being a means of

transportation, camels were also a source of milk and meat for Israel’s neighbors (though they are listed among the unclean animals for Israel and therefore not used for food-Lev 11:4). Camel hair was woven to create a rough but durable material from which Bedouins still create tents and people like John the Baptist occasionally sewed simple garments (see Matt 3:4).

Wild and Unruly

Some camels, called dromedaries, were cultivated for riding and racing. Jeremiah used this type for riding and racing. Jeremiah used this type of camel as a symbol for wayward Israelites who followed other gods (Jer 2:23). In this way camels parallel the symbolic use of donkeys-a supposedly cultivated and trained animal that has become wild and unruly.

Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.


We can in the life of Abram and Job that camels were considered a symbol of wealth. Someone who owned 3,000 camels, as Job did, would have been considered a millionaire in today’s terms. Camels were also considered a powerful component of an army’s battle resources. The Midianites who oppressed Israel in Judges 6 wielded a vast cavalry mounted on camels.


Much later, Jesus created an unexpected symbolic picture with the camel by way of hyperbole: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25). The idea of a large animal like a camel being compressed to pass through a needle’s eye is a ludicrous but effective way to emphasize that wealth has no standing when someone is seeking admission to God’s kingdom. Jesus also found camels a handy symbol for important matters when he pointed out to the scribes and Pharisees, “You blind guides! You strain gnats out of your wine, but you swallow camels” (Matt 23:24). He was highlighting the hypocrisy of giving great attention to an exacting idea to the tithe (making sure that you gave a tenth of every herb and spice in your possession) while neglecting the large matters of “justice, mercy, and faithfulness. . .the most important things in Moses’ Teachings” (Matt 23:23).


5 thoughts on “BIBLE SIGNS & SYMBOLS (CAMEL)

  1. Hi,a friend told me that he had a dream that he saw me with big Camel.I ask the Holy Spirit to interpret the dream,the answer I got and what I saw on your site is the same. Thank God.

  2. dreamt laying down on my bed -a carmel and it licked the back of my left hand
    Then sat next to my head – it was right behind my neck I could feel its breath next to back of my neck and I could hear its breathing sound . I m asking God to help me understand this dream

    1. Hello Our information is all based on the bible. So if your saying the topic is wrong then your saying the bible is wrong and we believe in the bible 100% NOTHING in it is wrong and NOTHING was added. It is 100% God’s Word.

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